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5 Ways to Master console Support Tool for DAW & Plug-Ins Basic Host External Tone Generator PC-Based Multi-Effector & Mixer Back to Product Overview

05. Live Performance Tool

console is a great tool for live music performances too.

With its lightweight design suited for real-time control, console can be an effective tool for live performances. Create your own "instrument" by combining MIDI controllers and other equipment of your choice with a project of minimal functions necessary for a live performance.

console has the following features which make it suitable for live performances:

  • ASIO compatibility and low latency.
  • Loading and removing of plug-ins without interruption of playback.
  • Multi-in/out of audio for ease of use with external outboards.
  • Flexible routing system that allows audio output to be split easily for monitoring.

  • Patch presets

  • Patch presets for instantaneous switching of sounds. This is useful for changing the sound dramatically during a song, or for switching the sound from song to song.
  • MIDI Learn function for easy MIDI controller assignment.
  • Availability of console DX/DXi within console itself.
    This feature enables you to have multiple console projects open at the same time.
    You can, for example, open and prepare the next project while another project is being used for playback.
  • Preset switching with MIDI CC (control change).

  • Preset switching with MIDI CC (control change).
  • Provided with a sequencer plug-in that supports pattern switching with MIDI notes.